2012 41 VECTOR
- Condition Pre-owned
- Location Lake Havasu az
- Length 41
- Engine Twin Teague 1200s
- Twins Stagger Drive Mercury #6
2019- Update 35 Fountain
- Condition PreOwned
- Location Lake Havasu Az
- Length 35
- Hour 35
- Engine twin QMP 900HP
- Condition PreOwned
- Location Lake Havasu az
- Length 33
- Engine twin Mercury 496MAG
2002 40ss Formula
$165,000.00 HOT New Listing
- Condition PreOwned
- Location Lake Havasu Az
- Length 40
- Engine Twin Mercury 500EFI
- hour 420
2000 40ss Formula
$125,000.00 HOT New Listing
- Condition PreOwned
- Location Lake Havasu Az
- Length 40
- Engine Twin Volvo 8.2 415hp
- hour 300
1996 35 Fountain
$75,000.00 HOT New Listing
- Condition PreOwned
- Location Lake Havasu Az
- Length 35
- Engine Twin MEC 502 Mag EFI
- hour 55
2007 28 VECTOR
$69,500.00 PRICE DROP
- Condition PreOwned
- Location Lake Havasu az
- Length 28
- Engine Single iLmore 625
- Hour 175
2007 28 VECTOR
$69,500.00 NEW LISTING
- Condition PreOwned
- Location Lake Havasu az
- Length 28
- Engine Single iLmore 625
- Hour under 100
- Top Speed 98mph
- Condition PreOwned
- Location Lake Havasu az
- Length 29
- Engine Single Mercury 496MAG
ROCKSTARBOATS.COM Terms and buyer and seller. It is the buyer’s responsibility to use good judgement and due diligence when considering the purchase of a boat; it is the buyer’s duty to inspect a boat prior to purchase and to survey powerboat, have it inspection done, as advertised and desired, that seller has clear title, and that the conditions of sale are satisfactory. It is the seller’s responsibility to use good judgement and due diligence when considering the sale of a boat; it is the seller’s responsibility to confirm that all payments have cleared and are non-fraudlent before any powerboat or property is released or changes hands. Rockstarboats is here too help and use our professional service to answer any questions powerboats .